Vinyl fixes everything (and other myths).
There are many benefits associated with using wall graphics to improve your school environment. Still, before you commission a new installation, it's worth knowing the benefits and limitations so that you can get the very best result possible. We've put together a list of common misconceptions to help you plan your project.
Vinyl will show the imperfections of your wall.
Wall vinyl will cover up rough walls
Wall graphics are a finishing product with the thickness of both vinyl and wallpaper products measured in microns. Because they are so thin, the better prepared your wall is, the better the result will be. If your walls have any rough areas, cracks, or holes, they will still be visible in the graphic once applied. It is always worth taking time to prepare your walls properly, scraping off any high points and filling and sanding cracks and holes in your wall to get the best result.
If your walls need more attention, you may want to consider getting them plastered or upgrading to printed panels (this is usually the much cheaper and faster option). Textured laminates and some wallpaper products can also help conceal some blemishes, but they may not always be suitable for all wall types. If you are unsure then speak to an expert.
Vinyl sticks to anything
A paint testing kit ready for vinyl graphics
While this is technically true, the better question to ask is how long the vinyl will stick to your wall. There are hundreds of self-adhesive vinyl products available, but only a tiny percentage of them are explicitly designed to adhere to a painted wall. Of the ones that are, they will still only stick to painted surfaces that are well prepared and of the correct type. Without getting too technical, there is no guarantee that vinyl will stick to your wall, which is why paint tests should be part of the process.
A paint testing kit ready for our expert team to use
Wherever we can, we run tests to check that walls have the surface tension required and are adequately bonded to the plaster behind. We always have options available for if walls fail a test, and whilst they may add some expense, it is always cheaper than a replacement graphic.
I can put vinyl graphics on any wall
It is usually possible to install vinyl on any wall. Again, the objective measure of your wall graphic's success will be if it stays on your wall for the required duration (5-10 years would be a good lifetime). Along with the different paint finishes, many other factors can determine if a wall is suitable for a vinyl wall graphic, including if it subject to temperature changes, dampness, paint texture and more.
If you are unsure, then it's always getting an expert's advice before you go ahead. This extra step can avoid a costly installation that starts to peel off your wall after a matter of weeks.
Vinyl graphics have an overlapping joint to allow for shrinkage over time.
The joins in my vinyl wall graphic will be invisible
Self-adhesive vinyl is applied with an overlapping joint method. Unlike wallpaper joins, which are also overlapped, vinyl graphic joins are not trimmed to allow for the vinyl to shrink over time, which leaves a small ridge at the point of the join. In normal light and viewing distances, this is usually unnoticeable. However, in some lighting conditions, it can be more prominent (usually where the graphic is lit from one side). In our experience, this doesn't detract from the overall effect, but it can be worth knowing beforehand.
Wallpaper joins are butted together.
Wallpaper installations will not have this feature as the overlap is trimmed and re-applied, creating a flush, or butt joint. If invisible joins are important then it will be a good idea to talk to your supplier about other options, which would include a one-piece installation or other materials.