A super-speedy library update.
Pupils at Courthouse Green School have been given a cosy new space to settle down and enjoy a good book that not only looks great, but, with the inclusion of some large drywipe speech bubbles they can literally write their own story.
The exciting design was created, planned, created and installed within two weeks to meet a tight deadline from the school as they launched their new Key Stage 1 Library space. Our brief was to encapsulate the phrase “Step into a Book” without using anything that would date, that didn’t exceed the new low ceiling height, and that wrapped around the whole wall.
The final design is a bright, inspiring interpretation of literary characters, motifs and themes that the pupils can explore and discuss. The bespoke library wall graphic is also peppered with inspiring quotes and two large whiteboards that the children can jot down their favourite books, character and more. Greater depth? We think so!