A prospectus for all ages.
Ark Victoria is an all-through school in the heart of Birmingham. They needed a new prospectus that would help promote their expansive setting to a very diverse audience.
We worked with the Principal and a copywriter to create an engaging design that sets their content in a clean layout, making it easier to read. Readers are greeted on page one in their language and images were carefully curated to show the right level of representation throughout the prospectus.
The academy’s branding and values have been woven into the design with the use of colour and graphic devices. Visitors to the school would see the same graphics and typeface in the building itself, which is important to create a consistent message with your audience.
The prospectus covers Early Years, Primary and Secondary phases. We worked closely with the school to get the flow of information right so that it was clear without being overwhelming.
The end result was a prospectus that delivers a big punch and that has been effective in promoting the school to the wider community.
“Our prospectus looks amazing! I love it. Thank you so much.”
Need some advice?
Get in touch to ask any questions you have about how to create a prospectus that will be a powerful ally in your marketing arsenal without breaking the budget.