Bring nature right to your door.
A Secret Garden-inspired design creates an outdoor space to ignite the imagination.
Gone are the stark white, rendered walls of the school building. In their place is a forest scene wall wrap that does what its name suggests, wrapping around doors, windows and walls across the back of the set of classrooms. The brief from the Headteacher was clear: create a scene that could evoke the feeling of being in a secret garden or woodland and that would dramatically enhance the outdoor space adjacent to the Reception Class.
The design comprises many images, carefully woven together to create the illusion that the children are in a magical garden space as soon as they step into the playground and has been an instant hit with pupils and staff.
Creating a woodland design that wouldn’t be marred by lots of visible fixings across such a complex area took a fair amount of head-scratching but the results were well worth the effort. This incredible nature-inspired display will look amazing and inspire creative play for many years to come.